Q 5 – In the prescription the strength of meperidine is 20 mg, it’s incorrect, isn’t it? The strength of meperidine is 50 mg according to the table from our book on page 123 and frequency - every 4 hours. So should we consider options Incorrect strength of pill prescribe and Incorrect frequency as well?
Q 15 – Doesn’t it look like an open sandwich technique? I assumed that under the composite it’s radiolucent GI with radiopaque calcium liner below and chose acceptable restoration.
Q 21 – There is tooth 16 fractured to gumline. Can we call it a horizontal root fracture? Or it’s risky because it can be crown fracture?
Q 33 – Tooth 15 is RCT. So why in this question do we choose thermal test and electric pulp test?
Q 50 – Here I put Gingivitis associated with plaque only instead of Localized chronic periodontitis. These 4 periodontal pockets I consider as non-periodontal sites because they are adjacent to the extraction site. Or we can use this concept only with distal pocket of the second molar when the 3rd molar was extracted?
Q 89 – We have a prescription to manage dental pain. There is no severe pain in history and in the question. So should we add to the answers F. Drug is not first choice for this indication?
Q 92 – Could we discuss option F. Root resorption together, please? I put it regarding ankylosed primary teeth.
Q94 – I also picked option E. Cervical burnout regarding the distal surface of tooth 74. Could you comment on this answer, please?
Q 110 – Could we also discuss option E. A direct restoration (for treatment tooth 84) and the differences between this option and option G. An indirect pulp cap?
Q 132 – Could we discuss option E. Periodontal bone loss? on the distal surface of tooth 45
Q 133 – I also can see E. Calcified stylohyoid ligament and I. Zygomatic arch. Could we discuss them?
If we have a tooth with the crown and there is an investigation template we will choose
- Periapical radiographs
- Tooth percussion
- Assessment of tooth mobility
also can add evaluation of occlusion if there are reasons
Am I right? We can’t pick thermal test and electric pulp test because of the crown(if a tooth is vital)?