We need to treat an infection with systemic involvement.
We have a prescription:
Amoxicillin 500 mg
Dis: 27 capsules
Label: take one capsule t.i.d. until complete
Repeat 1 time
In that case, we will choose Repeat\no repeat selection is incorrect. But should we add excessive duration as well? Because in that case the treatment time will be 18 days. Should we also add incorrect\ambiguous instructions?
In the case above, Im judging the prescription as a whole, if the dispensed amount is repeated, then it will be of excessive duration and since I don't have a maximum number of days as the instructions says "until complete" then its incorrect as well. You're not wrong, if the repeat, and no repeat is fixed, then there would be no problem with my duration and instructions, thats why I was saying you most likely won't get all those options for a prescription like the one above. Prescription questions are straight forward, and if you know the concept of each option, you won't go wrong. :)
but if its taken 3 times a day then it will last for 9 days and not 18 so its less then 10 days so Excessive duration AND incorrect\ambiguous should not be selected
Yes, in that case for the prescription above, Repeat\no repeat selection is incorrect, Excessive duration AND incorrect\ambiguous instructions are all correct options to select, how ever you may not find them all in your exam.